29 Jul 2011 * support for FLTK 1.3.0 * preserve height info when aliasing to scaleable font filename (allows non-XLFD aliases) * fixed mixed tabs and space handling in fonts.alias files (allows names w/spaces) * add fonts.alias handling to XListFont * add XListFont special case handling of 'fixed' fontspec, always returns 'fixed' * fix XLoadFont special case handling of 'fixed' fontspec (use mwin SystemFixed) 19 Feb 2011 * handle GR_UPDATE_ACTIVATE in translateNXEvent for FLTK 1.1.10 (Martin) * fixes for GR_CHAR * nano-X change 9 Dec 2010 * moved all printf to DPRINTF, print only when DEBUG set in Makefile, added -O3 optimize * added stubs for FLTK 1.3: XIMOfIC, XLocaleOfIM (Johannes) * added patch for buffered fonts and static fontlist (nxlib.h: HAVE_STATICFONTS) (Johannes) * rewrote font searching code heavily, works with XLFD, partial paths, aliases, ttf fonts font directory list must be specified in fontlist.c (default Ubuntu desktop) fonts.alias file is now used (sample in fonts/fonts.alias) 7 Dec 2010 * remove GrOffsetRegion in XSetClipOrigin, already done in GsPrepareDrawing this fixes FLTK 1.10 pixmap test program (requires nano-X GrNewRegionFromPixmap fix also) * replace MWPF_TRUECOLOR0888 with TRUECOLOR8888 * cleaned up Makefile, default no version numbering on .so lib names 17 May 2010 - Version 0.46 * fix prefix problem in XLoadFont when full filename (not XLFD) passed 10 Apr 2010 * fix XSetClipOrigin to offset current gc clip region also (REMOVED 12/7/2010!) * load linux kernel keymap when XRefreshKeyboardMapping called (Aron Takacs) 21 Mar 2010 * fix multiple free() bug in _nxFreeFontDir() * added Xutf8SetWMProperties for mupdf port * added XShmQueryExtension, XShmAttach, XShmCreateImage stubs 9 Mar 2010 * added image padding in XGetImage and XPutImage (Johannes) * added WM_DELETE_WINDOW handling on GR_EVENT_TYPE_CLOSE_REQ for FLTK * add XSetTransientForHint(), XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR and XM_WM_NAME handling in XChangeProperty (Johannes) * fix null ptr in XConvertSelection (Johannes) 21 Feb 2010 * fixes relating to running FLTK 1.1.10 w/NXLIB (requires mwin v0.92RC2) * XParseColor randomly returned incorrect colors, now works #RRRRGGGGBBBB * fix bug in drawing text bk color after drawing Images * revised default Makefile for Ubuntu 9.10 X11 fonts location * added fonts.alias support 24 Jan 2010 - greg@censoft.com * revised Makefile to allow compiling without X11 installed * created internal X11 directory for X11 hdrs if not present * added test directory with X11 test applications * revised Xlcint.h removed varargs.h, added stdargs.h 30 November 2007 * ported FLTK 2.0.x (stubbed _XUnknownNativeEvent,XutfLookupString) 23 November 2007 * change XPutImage to use new MWPF_HWPIXELVAL pixtype * force UseBackground true in XPutImage * change XFillArc/XFillArcs to add one to width/height * added X11_FONT_DIR3 to Makefile for X11 default TTF directory * added scalable font & height handling to XLoadFont with X11 fonts.dir * added input window handling to XCreateWindow (Giosis/Foedrowitz) * added BIGENDIAN option to Makefile * fix XCreateBitmapFromData for big endian (Giosis/Foedrowitz) * fix XDrawPoints past first coord (Giosis/Foedrowitz) * fix memory leak in XSetClipMask and XSetClipRectangles * rewrite XChangeProperty, never worked, implement XGetWindowProperty * fix XInternAtom to return above XA_LAST_PREDEFINED 14 June 2005 * add XSetSelectionOwner,XGetSelectionOwner,XConvertSelection (Jordan) Version 0.45 - 11 Sep 2003 - greg@censoft.com * added XAllocWMHints, XAllocSizeHints for FLTK 1.1.4 * fixed 'p' entry in mwscan_to_mwkey * added X headers to nxlib distribution, X11 now not required to build * added Jordan's mods for better GTK (1.2.10) compatibility: XwcTextListToProperty, XwcPropertyToTextList, XWcFreeTextList fixed XPutImage w/src_x not 0 or unequal widths stubbed out XCreateFontSet added XGetSelectionOwner, XSetSelectionOwner, XConvertCase * temp kluged problem with X11 width/height vs NX radius for arc specs * fixed XDrawRectangle, XDrawArc width/height +1 bug * fixed angle1/angle2 difference between X11 and Nano-X in XDraw/FillArc Version 0.44 - 1 June 2003 - greg@censoft.com * fixed GrGetColorByName return value * added XMapSubwindows for xpilot * added XKeycodeToKeysym * return XKeyEvent.keycode as scancode (must be < 256 for FLTK) * add standard scancode table for XKeycodeToKeysym * implement XKeycodeToKeysym, rewrite XLookupKeysym * fix XQueryFont for fonts with firstchar > 256 * added to CVS * changed decl for XrmLocaleOfDatabase (removed XCONST) * comment out XSetTSOrigin for fltk test/bitmap * added XQueryKeymap for fltk 1.0.11 build Version 0.43 - 18 May 2003 - greg@censoft.com * fixed XQueryPointer return values * fixed ConfigureNotify notifications, UPDATE event reporting * hack XWindowEvent for FLTK NoExpose requirement w/XCopyArea * changed behaviour of XQLength to make FLTK select loop work * added XGetDefault, XRecolorCursor stub for FLTK 1.0.11 port Version 0.42 - 12 Apr 2003 - greg@censoft.com * fixed bad reporting of state&button data for some events * fixed MotionNotify event reporting, added XPutBackEvent for qt * fixed popup menus by reading override_noredirect flags * fixed GrCreateFont bug to sometimes return 0 Version 0.41 - 19 Oct 2002 - greg@censoft.com * fixed per_char member in XFontStruct Version 0.40 - 05 Oct 2002 - greg@censoft.com * added new font pattern match code, allow */? in XLoadFont and sort return values * alias fixed -> 6x13, don't create font unless found in XLoadFont * calculate DisplayWidthMM properly * added XmbSetWMProperties * free image->data, fixed put_pixel offsets * fix ParentRelative in XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (01 Oct 02) * filled out XFontStruct members in QueryLoadFont * fixed expansion bug in XListFonts for -* and * patterns * allow NULL visual in XCreateImage * temp allow multiple XOpenDisplay calls (no GrClose) * filled out internal display values * added GetGeometry * added XListPixmapFormats for GTK+ port (19 Sep 02) (25 Aug 02) * tried fixing XPutImage for 1bpp images... * added XDefaultRootWindow, XServerVendor, fixed XGetImage bounds * added XSetClipRectangles * added _Xdebug, _XLockMutex_fn, _XUnlockMutex_fn, _Xglobal_lock (no multi-threading support in nxlib directly, only nano-X) (12 Aug 02) * rewrote region handling, added XPointInRegion, XOffsetRegion * added XSetSubwindowMode * fixed XInternAtom, fixed XSync to discard events * added shadow XGCValues to gc->ext_data member to store GC vals locally * added XConnectionNumber * added XGetPixel, XPutPixel * added XVisualIDFromVisual, XScreenNumberofScreen, XRootWindowOfScreen * fix XParseColor to return shifted RGB values * added Quarks.c, Xrm.c: _XrmInternalStringToQuark, XrmGetStringDatabase, XrmGetResource, XrmPutLineResource * added XGetVisualInfo (04 Aug 02) * fixed XCreateWindow attribute setting via valuemask * added XCopyPlane * added XDrawImageString, XDrawImageString16 * fixed XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData mono colors fg/bg colors appear to be reversed in mono bitmaps * fixed startup default colormap b/w colors * fixed cursor fg/bg - reversed from X11!! * added shared library build and install as libX11.so.6.2 * added XShapeCombineMask - shaped windows! * enhanced XChangeWindowAttributes, added XSetInputFocus (19 Jul 02) * corrected bpp/depth (never 15), and bits_per_rgb == 5 in visual * rewrote XMatchVisualInfo * added 32 bit cursors, fixed up/rewrote cursor routines * fixed up malloc/alloca usage * fixed GrReadArea use bug: always return GR_PIXELVAL array, not sinfo.bpp sized * cleaned up src formatting * got most of Qt examples running w/fonts, unicode, colors * add XDrawString16, XTextWidth16, XTextExtents16, GR_TFXCHAR2B * allow multiple X11 pcf font directories * fixed fonts.dir reading bug, PCF font loading Version 0.3 - 01 Jul 2002 - greg@censoft.com * partially fixed PCF reader * fixed x11 rgb unsigned short << 8 bugs * fixed x11 default usebackground false * ported xfreecell for testing Version 0.2 - 11 Feb 2002 - jordanc@censoft.com * greatly expanded for initial qt x11 v2.3.1 port (Jordan) Version 0.1 - 17 Jul 2001 - greg@censoft.com * initial version/concept by g haerr